Sunday, April 6, 2008

Ericka, Daniel, and Noah....

Meet Ericka and Daniel...and their sweet baby Noah. BOY do I have history with this family! I have known these 2 for...lets count it out... 1, 2,...almost 13 years! WOW! These two have a really cool story and its so neat to see them after this WAYYYYY too long period of time! Dan and Erika dated for all of high school...parted ways after high school...and then got back together like 4 years later and last month they celebrated 4 awesome years of marriage! How much fun is that..i still remember talking to Dan when i was in college and listening to him say how much he loved Ericka...I knew these two would end up together! I even sang at their wedding so...its been a long time coming that I got them in front of my camera! Baby Noah is so rediculously cute and seems to the complete combination of both mama and daddy and its totally crazy to see! I kept saying.. "its a little baby Daniel AND Ericka!" I just love this whole bunch and I cant wait to see them again...we have a double date plan in the works so, no more years passing without seeing each other again!

When I talked to Ericka about her session she said that she didn't want anything set up or too clean...and that they didn't mind getting a little favorite type of clients. :) hehehe so, we had plans to leave their home and head out to a few different locations..but when I got there and saw what was in their back yard...I was stuck and wouldn't leave!

We started with some play time in the floor with mom and dad...

Then when we headed outside, THIS is what I saw! Dan restores old classics and had these beautiful old trucks hanging out in his backyard so I knew we HAD to use them!

Noah was a little sad it wasn't sunny and warm outside... here's his sad face... :)

We put Noah in his old McDonald car and he played us some mood music while mom and dad got a few pictures together... :)

Altogether... a super fun day. The weather was crappy...kinda raining and chili...but the work space we had was SO much fun and these 3 were a blast to work with so... we got over the weather! Thanks for braving the rain guys!


Tiffany said...

What an AWESOME shoot!!
Love it!! :)

Jillian said...

LOVE THEM!!!! They are all great! You are so talented Melissa!!

Anonymous said...

Your photographs always tell a story. They are like reading a good book. I love them. Dianne