YIPPIE! Today I got home from a super busy day of meetings to find some awesome news! We got accepted into the directory at Photographik, the elite wedding online directory! They are super selective and you have to go through a waiting period..and they have to look over your websites and blogs and pretty much pick it apart to decide if you can be listed in the directory...I hate to say this, but I applied about 8 months ago and got the big fat rejection letter...BUT NOT TODAY! Today they were all smiles and I even got a personal email from Jesse, the founder, telling me that he enjoyed my images and was excited I would be a part of the directory! This my friends..is a HUGE feat for me..and I'm tickled pink!
More shoots everywhere..stay tuned for pictures from Melissa and Dave's engagement session to be posted tomorrow. :) goodnight!
Congrats! Good for you. I love seeing all your new work.
Excellent! You rock the house!
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