I love shoes...I REALLY love shoes..and lately I have decided that..as shallow as it absolutely sounds... I would love to be the girl with really cute shoes. :) She never tell you your fat..they never tell you your not good enough...they have completely change the way you feel .... shoes are great. :) So I think I have sort of a problem....the said statements above..all a problem. Anthony doesnt mind if I buy a pair of shoes now and again..and Im not out spending a ton of money on a pair or anything by ANY means...like for instance...the "shoe man" as we DCF ladies refer to him as...Im talking about the ebay salesman who buys shoes at wholesale and sells them on ebay discounted...well, he has a quarterly sale to get rid of the last seasons left over shoes... Im talking Nine West, Chinese Laundry, Jessica Simpson, Steve Madden, Rampage, Velocity...you name it and this man has it! Well...my friend Katie and I stalk the newspapers at the beginning of each season change here in Ga and we wait and we wait and we wait until we see that he has a sale coming up...and then we POUNCE! Well, he had a sale a few weeks ago and he had every pair on sale for $2.00!!! TWO DOLLARS! And Im talking the real deals! No Mera Tadly' here friends! So I dropped a $20.00 like it was nothing and walked out with 10 FABULOUS pair of new shoes...a set of yummy red feux snake skin pumps by Jessica Simpson...several pairs of Steve Madden pumps, a pair of BCBG Girls pumps (which ...is starting to become my favorite brand...along with Carlos Santana...hes AMAZING, thanks Miss.. :) ) a pair of Nine West, a pair of Chinese Laundry, and a pair of flats by Report, Rampage, and some other company I cant remember... So anywho...you probably think Im rediculously selfish at this point..I mean..who needs 10 pair of shoes..but when it ONLY cost me $20.00..IIIIIIII needed 10 pairs of shoes. :) hehehe Okay..so long story short... I have this strapless brown dress that I have been looking for Gold shoes to wear with. Ive had ..NO LUCK..and I happened across these the other day.. :) hehehe They were a pair of something cheap I got off ebay (my old boss back in the banking days told me about getting shoes off of ebay and after one of my brides told me I HAD to try it..Im sold. :) ) but they are going to be perfect and they made me happy. :) So..here are my new shoes...

And my feet like them too!!!!
Shoes are so fun! Love these pics!
Hey! Can I borrow those sometime!?!?!?
I am a shoe freak and these shoes are soooo me!!! They need to be in my closet!
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