Let me introduce you to my beautiful models for the day! Blogger only let me upload 5 pics at a time so... I picked my fav. 5 for each girl...
Meet Lydia....school teacher by day...America's next top model by night! And in the slide show her super hansom hubby is standing with her...

Meet Missy. She just had a baby 6 months ago..really?? SHUT YOUR MOUTH! p.s. I have some pics of Missy eating cheese popcorn like a mad man during breaks in the shoot Saturday... Im holding them as blackmail material so.... muwahahahahaha!

Meet Morgan....she was actually a bridesmaid in my wedding...oh fun times Morgan! And thanks for moving away.... :( sad...

Meet Rachel....she is possibly the sweetest most giving woman you will ever meet. We sing together and church and I just love love love her. :) And her sweet hubby Greg was with her for the beginning of our shoot.

Super special thank you a million times over to Bob (salon) for sending Andrea over to my home office to do these ladies hair for the day....she ROCKED IT OUT! And to Gardenia Flora Design for providing us with such BEAUTIFUL flowers for the shoot... they were so sweet to me and they do stunning work so..when you call..ask for Laura!
Thanks so much to everyone who had us in your thoughts Saturday as we were getting this all together..i think everyone had a great time and Im super excited with the images I got..so keep your eyes peeled for these images to show up on my site and have a great day!
Rachel...you are soo beautiful! Morgan...fence pictures...WHAT!!! Lydia...you are such a rock-hot-star! Oh, and Melissa, you are an ok photographer. JUST KIDDING!!!!! YOU CAN MAKE ANYTHING HAPPEN! The pics are excellent!
how about that HOT reflector guy?!?!?!?!?!?!?
Hey! I just found your blog while browsing Lauren Clark's. These images are rockin! Great job.
I LOVE the fourth one down of the first bride. The black and white on the railroad tracks. Love it, Love it!! I'm hoping to do some railroad track shots here soon.
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