Hi everyone!!!! well..Im so excited to tell everyone that we have a new logo! Im so super happy that its here and I love it...you'll be seeing it everywhere that we are soon! Ive already started changing all of our promotional goods and print material so..be on th look out for it! the story behind it s really really cool. When I was at Love Affair I met a wonderful woman named Shannon Montez who used to be really heavy in the world of scrap booking. She is phenomenal and you guys should check her out. scrap booking lead her to the world of photography and shes really great...and super sweet to make a logo for me... what a blessing! She is currently working on revamping her logo and website so she has taken her current logo and tweeked it a little so that its something fun that we can use! Shes gettng a new one soon so...I was all about taking it! She's really been so great to me the last week since we started working on this thing and she hasn't complained one time ...and boy were there a lot of times she could have told me to shut it! :) Anywho..check out her site and give her some blog love and tell her how much you love the new logo! Thanks Shannon! Your amazing!!!! :)
Also, check out the new updates to out site...new song...new pictures...new bio...all new new new!!!!
I love the new logo and your site looks fantastic!! You have been super busy!!
Love it all! :)
Love the site updates! A little more edge :) Rock on, Pepins!
Looks like Shannon is helping me with a logo too! She's so good!
I love your updates Melissa!
love the new logo! very nice :)
love the new logo! very nice :)
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