Everyone, meet Vikki! We went out to shoot Vikki's bridals this week and it was a BLAST! After a near hair disaster....we pulled her bobby pens out...shook her hair around..and let the wind do the rest and everything turned out beautiful! We were running a little late when we got there and only had time and daylight for 1 location..but when I got to Vikki's apartment, i saw these staircases that were letting off some really cool shadows and threw out some really neat lines, and she was super to work with and had no problem following every crazy idea I had! Vikki is one of those brides that makes being photographer super easy because the camera loves her.... we're shooting her and her fiance, Michael's wedding at the end of May and we couldnt be more excited...we've known this couple a long time and we are so pumped to be a part of their BIG DAY...its been a long time coming and we are so stinkin happy for them!!! Here are a few of the favorites from Vikki's shoot...
This week has been coo-coo so Im just now getting to blog a shoot that I had on Tuesday with Morgan and Andrew...you probably recognize her because she was on of my models from the model shoot on Saturday, but today its all her and her sweet hubby Andrew. Morgan has been with me since the start of this whole madness that is my job and I just love her something fierce! We got together for a shoot so could get some fun shots of the two of them in Athens before they kiss this little popsicle stand of a town goodbye! They just bought a house about an hour away and we're sure gunna miss them! After our shoot we met up with my friend Missy and her sweet baby love, Violet for some coffee downtown and spend the rest of the afternoon outdoors...what a fun day!
Thanks Morgan and Andrew for sharing your afternoon with me! Love love love!
Dont hold you breath while reading this post...its going to be a long one! These are my beautiful models from Saturday's super awesome shoot! The weather was PERFECT...(side note...*Melissa Pepin Photography can not be held responsible for any sunburn damage while being involved in this model shoot... ) ( :) hehehe ) and everything went so well. When I needed wind...there was wind..when it was too bright...a cloud would come by...so I know that this shoot was meant to be and Im really glad with the results that we got! These are still a LOT of things I need to work on..but for the majority of the pics...Im super happy with how they turned out..when you can get the results that you have been planning for in your head...thats a good feeling. :) I have created a show it web gallery with all 127 of my favorite images and if you want to see all of the images click HERE
Let me introduce you to my beautiful models for the day! Blogger only let me upload 5 pics at a time so... I picked my fav. 5 for each girl...
Meet Lydia....school teacher by day...America's next top model by night! And in the slide show her super hansom hubby is standing with her...
Meet Missy. She just had a baby 6 months ago..really?? SHUT YOUR MOUTH! p.s. I have some pics of Missy eating cheese popcorn like a mad man during breaks in the shoot Saturday... Im holding them as blackmail material so.... muwahahahahaha!
Meet Morgan....she was actually a bridesmaid in my wedding...oh fun times Morgan! And thanks for moving away.... :( sad...
Meet Rachel....she is possibly the sweetest most giving woman you will ever meet. We sing together and church and I just love love love her. :) And her sweet hubby Greg was with her for the beginning of our shoot.
Super special thank you a million times over to Bob (salon) for sending Andrea over to my home office to do these ladies hair for the day....she ROCKED IT OUT! And to Gardenia Flora Design for providing us with such BEAUTIFUL flowers for the shoot... they were so sweet to me and they do stunning work so..when you call..ask for Laura!
Thanks so much to everyone who had us in your thoughts Saturday as we were getting this all together..i think everyone had a great time and Im super excited with the images I got..so keep your eyes peeled for these images to show up on my site and have a great day!
I just wanted to post a few pics from yesterday...its Easter so Im not going to spend all day editing or on my computer...although Im SUPER pumped about the pictures we got yesterday during our model shoot....and I CANT wait to dig through them! BUT, Im going to pry myself away so I can go spend time with my family today... :) My husband Anthony was AMAZING yesterday and he rocked out on my reflector...thank you Lauren Clark for showing us how to bootleg a GIANT reflector at Love Affair because it was WAY more awesome than just the plan ole reflector disks that I have..that i spent WAY more money on... and the girls were AMAZING! :) We were all sooooooooooooooo tired when we got done...but I promise it was worth it and I cant wait for everyone to see the images. :) But in the mean time..here are 2 pics from the end of the day...2 group shots..i love these ladies and they were amazing all day long. :) Have a good easter everyone!
Meet my new lens. :) Im so stinkin excited because I am always looking for good deals and fabulous equipment to add to my ever growing collection..and so Im really excited about this lens. Its a good ole prime , wide angle lens and Im super excited about shooting with it and following the wisdom that Ms.Davina Fear bestowed upon me at Love Affair... "Get LOW and WIDE" :)
And Love Affair just keeps on giving me more for my money because all of us girls in week 1 have started a friendly forum that Millie and Davina have recently jumped on board with..but we all talk about everything photography and a lot about our own families and personal lives..i miss these girls SOOOOOO much its crazy..but its been awesome to talk to them all at least once a day! All this to say that the beautiful Carmen from Blink of an Eye photography in Dayton, Ohio is selling me this lens and I cant wait to get it! yippie! Thanks Carmen!
okay..so this week has been totally crazy and...off key if you will. We have never done things the..traditional way around here so why I would expect that we would be rational about ANYTHING makes no sense to me...shesh. :) So..this week we started accidentally looking for studio space. i dont really want to get into backdrops and such as far as using the space for shooting..but more somewhere I can get in and out of to meet clients..edit images...take phone calls...pretty much separate my home from my work. Great concept...who'd of thunk it?! So thats been going on...at the same time Im sitting here nipping at the bit as I wait for my new canvases to get here that I ordered....and for an album to arrive via Fed Ex....AND trying to avoid editing images...so its been a fun filled day of pretty much avoiding work. :) hehehehehe I was sitting here...facebooking..blog checking..and emailing several super duper brides back who have sent me inquiries..when this overwhelming desire for a big fat juicy piece of Bubblicious grape flavored bubble gum hit me like a ton of bricks!!! It was my favorite as a kid and at this point..I would pretty much take out the UPS man if he came to my door chewing a piece and didnt have more to share.. mmmmmmm grape bubble um...GEEZE! Am I really going to have to go to the convenience store up the street to buy an entire sugar filled, teeth rotting pack just for 1 lone solitary piece????!!!! probably...
well and since stories arent as entertaining when unaccompanied by pictures..i decided to post a few of myself when I was at this grape bubble gum addiction stage. :) I was the pudgy kid with a mullet... child cruelty at its finest im telling ya... have a good day!
Im so super excited because this evening I checked my email and I had a message from Laura at Gardenia Floral Design here in Athens and she said that she would supply the bouquets for the brides for our project shoot on March 22nd! YIPPIE!!!!!!!! I have fallen in love with their work about a million times over...every time I shoot a wedding that they do...I want to get married all over again so I can have them do our flowers! They really are incredible and I cant wait for you all to see what they put together for our shoot. Check out their site I have linked up and definitely contact them if you need flowers for an event..they rock out!!!!
Hi everyone...again..for the 2nd time today! Im so excited that I am about to bust! Soooo...I have set up this model shoot for March 22nd that you all know about..because I wont shut up about it! And I am really hell bent on making this day as super fun and exciting as possible for our models because happy models make for happy pictures. :) So...Im super pumped to tell you that i have started working on getting some vendors around Athens to help us with this big day! So providing hair services for us that day is going to be Andrea from bob(salon) !!! They are super chic and super fun and ALWAYS deliver beautiful results. So if your in the market for a make over...this is the place to start! Check out their site and call and make an appointment today! And tell them we sent you... :)
hi everyone! Just wanted to give a heads up that we will be in the Baltimore/DC area on Sunday and Monday of next week so if you are interested in setting up a quick session..lets do it! Contact me today and we will set it up! Shoot me an email at melissa@melissapepin.com
Hi everyone!!!! well..Im so excited to tell everyone that we have a new logo! Im so super happy that its here and I love it...you'll be seeing it everywhere that we are soon! Ive already started changing all of our promotional goods and print material so..be on th look out for it! the story behind it s really really cool. When I was at Love Affair I met a wonderful woman named Shannon Montez who used to be really heavy in the world of scrap booking. She is phenomenal and you guys should check her out. scrap booking lead her to the world of photography and shes really great...and super sweet to make a logo for me... what a blessing! She is currently working on revamping her logo and website so she has taken her current logo and tweeked it a little so that its something fun that we can use! Shes gettng a new one soon so...I was all about taking it! She's really been so great to me the last week since we started working on this thing and she hasn't complained one time ...and boy were there a lot of times she could have told me to shut it! :) Anywho..check out her site and give her some blog love and tell her how much you love the new logo! Thanks Shannon! Your amazing!!!! :)
Also, check out the new updates to out site...new song...new pictures...new bio...all new new new!!!!