Hi friends! Its been like a week since I have had a chance to post anything and there is a TON coming...more pictures from a few commercial jobs we have been shooting (including the ridiculously beautiful Reynolds Plantation...and some new images from a special event at the Ritz-Carlton!) and also Ryan Shuman's 2 year pictures, Katie and David's engagement session...AND Charlie's senior pictures (okay..her name is Charlotte..but shes Charlie to us!) So..there is a lot coming...keep checking back this week. :)
There have been a lot of things on my mind recently that Im just dying to vent to someone about...and as Im sitting here on a Sunday afternoon working (which I try to avoid at ALL cost normally...but this week is a special week so...exceptions can be made :) ) Im just caught up in some many ideas about my life..and our growing business..and the people I interact with on a daily basis..and it leaves me with such an overwhelming sense of God's goodness on my life and of our blessed we really are. So..I wanted to share... :)
I feel like God places people in your life for a reason..whether its just for a season or for a life time and I feel so unbelievable blessed to get to interact with my clients on a regular basis...you guys become my friends..and I hold those relationships really close to my heart...so thank you a million times over for picking us and letting us into your special moments...
I also know that we have been blessed with a new REALLY cool space to work in...we are having a big ole grand opening on Aug. 1st at 7:30pm and we would love for everyone to come and check out what all we are getting our hands on around here! But the blessing is that if you would have asked me 3 years ago...or 2 years ago..or even 6 months ago if I thought we would be at this place..I would have told you that there was NO WAY possible for it to all come together like this...again...sweet heavenly blessings leave be baffled at why we even deserve this or why its US that have been given this opportunity to do something that we are so passionate about...and to do it full time...in our own space...Wow...it leaves me speechless and humbled...
I ALSO know we have been blessed to work with people who provide us with SOOOOO much encouragement that we couldnt live without...My husband Anthony is the partner in my life AND in this business that I need more than anything. He is equal in this with me and when I hurt he hurts..when Im excited..hes excited..and when I worry..he reassures me...how could have ever need more than that??? My mama...crazy as she can be..hehehehe...I need her in my business so much .Shes the one that I KNOW prays for me..and for God to keep on blessing me and she prays for all my clients..that they keep coming back! She's a source of godliness in my life that I cant live without. Katie...my wedding assistant...MAN! I couldnt do without her...she is SOOO in tune with what I need when we are shooting..or when we are doing back end paper work... shes just the trooper I need to keep me calm..and make everything run smoothly! She also is a pretty good spy (heheheh) and her encouragement is priceless to me...
And lastly..whats to come...???!!! Everyone..we did it! We hired a new office manager and Im telling you..we are SOOO blessed to have her be a part of our team! Her name is Abbey and you will all meet her shortly, but she will be here "officially" starting tomorrow and we could not be more excited about it! She has ALREADY bent over backwards to help me get paperwork and been a source of encouragement ( I mean..apparently I need a LOT of that! hahahha) and a safe place for me to bounce ideas off of..and she's just been so much fun. I cant wait for you all to meet her...talk to her...and fall in love with her like we already have...its going to be so much fun!
Geeze..this is super stinkin long..but I have a ton to be grateful for and I just wanted to share it with everyone. I honestly think that the second you stop being grateful for what you do is the second you should reconsider what your doing...and I always what to be thankful...always...
Thanks Paul Alan for helping me get my thoughts together... :)

Love this post Melissa!! Thanks for sharing so much and for being such an inspiration! :) Congrats on everything! ~
Love you friend! Your awesome!
melissa oh melissa where for art thou melissa. I just have one comment for you.. have you had a "bouidie slap today" hehehehe man I miss you I can't wait to come down there in sept!!
listening to the music now........
Congrats to you!! YOu deserve it!!
That Abbey girl sound totally cool!
You totally forgot to mention your own awesomeness and creativity that God has blessed you with! That's what got this rolling in the first place. Without Melissa Pepin, it would just be photography...
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