Alright Ladies and Gentlemen....its finally here and I can NOT believe it! THIS is the weekend I leave town for 7 days to go to the Love Affair Workshop on Bald Head Island off the coast of Wilmington, NC. Im so incredibly excited, stressed, nervous, and anxious to get my stuff together and get out of dodge so that I can hurry back and put in to play all of the amazing things I am going to be learning. I will be able to blog (hopefully...fingers crossed) and I believe I will have limited email access so, check in this week for updates on how things are going at this conference. If you haven't checked out the ladies who are going to be teaching me and 39 of the luckiest ladies on the planet (and yes...there will be people who have come in from other countries for this workshop, HOLY COW!) here they are, dig in to their websites and see what you have to look forward to from me in the future.... I cant wait and I know that God's got something heavy up His sleeve for me and I cant wait for that to be revealed!
They are:
Millie Holloman
Lauren Clark
Kelly Moore Clark
Davina Fear
So tonight I am tediously folding loads of laundry, and prepping for a wedding that I have to shoot tomorrow ...(Katie and Matt tomorrow at 6:30 in Athens, these two are awesome so be on the lookout for pics from their big day soon)....and snuggling up with my husband who I wont see for 7 days!!!!! Thank you soooooo much to those that have been praying for me in the last few weeks, I have felt it immensely and I cant wait to encounter the fruit of your prayers. So if I dont get to blog til next week around this time, you all be safe...contact my office if you need anything, and I will return calls and emails as soon as I can! LOVES!

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