I have something that I want to share with you all that has set a HUGE fire under my feet and is making me so rediculously happy about having a business I can help other people with. A fellow photographer named A Bryan Johnson in Birmingham has been working with music group Hanson for a while shooting images for them and they asked him to go along with them to South Africa to shoot pictures at a school they are whole heartedly attached to down there, so he did. He was so moved by everyone there that he tarted selling A Bryan Johnson graphic T-Shirts and donating all of the proceeds to the school because the conditions are so poor there (they literally break pencils in half to share so that everyone gets one). Well...after selling his T-Shirts for around a week...he raised $15,000.00!!!! HOLY CRAP!!!!!!!!!!!!! He raised it just by word of mouth through his blog readers and thats so amazing! take a look at Bryan's blog and read the full story. The guys from Hanson are super involved with this school and I would love for our blog readers to donate too! Bryan is keeping the donation lines open for a few more days so if this sis something that moves you, go to his blog and give give give! My dream for Melissa Pepin Photography is to have it mean something more than just good picture to those who are in them...but I want to really use my abilities to move people and when I see people like Bryan Johnson, it gets me really pumped up! Heres his blog!

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