Okay...this is for EVERYONE to see and tell people about . My friend Missy sent me this video and it is possibly one of the funniest things I have ever seen...if this EVER happened at one of our weddings we were shooting..I would probably wet my pants. If you are a professional photographer...you're wishing the same thing! Enjoy!
Friday, November 30, 2007
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Blow your mind good....
Hey guys,
I have something that I want to share with you all that has set a HUGE fire under my feet and is making me so rediculously happy about having a business I can help other people with. A fellow photographer named A Bryan Johnson in Birmingham has been working with music group Hanson for a while shooting images for them and they asked him to go along with them to South Africa to shoot pictures at a school they are whole heartedly attached to down there, so he did. He was so moved by everyone there that he tarted selling A Bryan Johnson graphic T-Shirts and donating all of the proceeds to the school because the conditions are so poor there (they literally break pencils in half to share so that everyone gets one). Well...after selling his T-Shirts for around a week...he raised $15,000.00!!!! HOLY CRAP!!!!!!!!!!!!! He raised it just by word of mouth through his blog readers and thats so amazing! take a look at Bryan's blog and read the full story. The guys from Hanson are super involved with this school and I would love for our blog readers to donate too! Bryan is keeping the donation lines open for a few more days so if this sis something that moves you, go to his blog and give give give! My dream for Melissa Pepin Photography is to have it mean something more than just good picture to those who are in them...but I want to really use my abilities to move people and when I see people like Bryan Johnson, it gets me really pumped up! Heres his blog!
I have something that I want to share with you all that has set a HUGE fire under my feet and is making me so rediculously happy about having a business I can help other people with. A fellow photographer named A Bryan Johnson in Birmingham has been working with music group Hanson for a while shooting images for them and they asked him to go along with them to South Africa to shoot pictures at a school they are whole heartedly attached to down there, so he did. He was so moved by everyone there that he tarted selling A Bryan Johnson graphic T-Shirts and donating all of the proceeds to the school because the conditions are so poor there (they literally break pencils in half to share so that everyone gets one). Well...after selling his T-Shirts for around a week...he raised $15,000.00!!!! HOLY CRAP!!!!!!!!!!!!! He raised it just by word of mouth through his blog readers and thats so amazing! take a look at Bryan's blog and read the full story. The guys from Hanson are super involved with this school and I would love for our blog readers to donate too! Bryan is keeping the donation lines open for a few more days so if this sis something that moves you, go to his blog and give give give! My dream for Melissa Pepin Photography is to have it mean something more than just good picture to those who are in them...but I want to really use my abilities to move people and when I see people like Bryan Johnson, it gets me really pumped up! Heres his blog!

Wednesday, November 28, 2007
A little project in the works....
I have a little project in mind, but I need a model for it..so...if your interested, let me know.... details will follow.. :)
Family Ties....
We just did a shoot for a super fun couple and their siblings for the holidays. Meet, Matt and Casey and their siblings(Katie and her bf Ian...and John). You should be seeing a LOT more of them because we are shooting their wedding in the late summer and we just love these two! They are so rediculously fun and about as sweet as you can get so...were super excited that they have called us about their future festivities! here are a few of our favorites from their shoot...

Back in the Saddle...
Well..after taking a small hiatus from work for a few days while the husbands been off from the wild world of Pharmacy..Im back. :) Back to posting and shooting and editing and all the crazy fun stuff that I get to do everyday! Some really exciting stuff is going on and I cant wait to share about it all. Lets take a look at the next few months for Melissa Pepin Photography...
Dec. 1st- Jacks Creek Christmas Tree Farm shoots
Dec. 15th- 1st Family Christmas festivities with fam. in Loganville
Dec 22nd/23rd shoots, shoots, shoots...
Dec. 25th- CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!
Dec. 31st- Shelhon/ Andrew Wedding, Athens (this is going to be SUPER fun!)
1/1-2/15 COMPLETELY open so far...
Feb. 16th- Bishop/Brenkle Wedding, Athens
Feb. 17th- 22nd- LOVE AFFAIR WORKSHOP, Bald Head Island NC.
I cant believe Love Affair is only 2 1/2 months away..it seems like just yesterday I was ripping open my wonka bar and holding the golden ticket to get me in there...I cant wait for this and I just know that its going to open up so many doors for us! How exciting!
So anywho...were back up and running and so feel free to leave comments or shoot us an email...we love hearing what you have to say..more pictures are on their way to the blog so...stay tuned!
Dec. 1st- Jacks Creek Christmas Tree Farm shoots
Dec. 15th- 1st Family Christmas festivities with fam. in Loganville
Dec 22nd/23rd shoots, shoots, shoots...
Dec. 25th- CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!
Dec. 31st- Shelhon/ Andrew Wedding, Athens (this is going to be SUPER fun!)
1/1-2/15 COMPLETELY open so far...
Feb. 16th- Bishop/Brenkle Wedding, Athens
Feb. 17th- 22nd- LOVE AFFAIR WORKSHOP, Bald Head Island NC.
I cant believe Love Affair is only 2 1/2 months away..it seems like just yesterday I was ripping open my wonka bar and holding the golden ticket to get me in there...I cant wait for this and I just know that its going to open up so many doors for us! How exciting!
So anywho...were back up and running and so feel free to leave comments or shoot us an email...we love hearing what you have to say..more pictures are on their way to the blog so...stay tuned!
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Just wanted to say HAPPY THANKSGIVING to all of you out there! This year has been so incredible and I have SO much to be thankful for! Im thankful for my family and friends that I love so much...thankful for my husband who might just be the most patient and loving man I have ever known...thankful for my mom for always being a pain in my butt (but she cares too much not to be! )....to all of my clients because you guys are the only reason my career has taken off and is keeping me busy....Im thankful for my home and my 2 very intimidating security guards..i mean dogs... Im SO thankful for my church....and ...just everything. And I am RIDICULOUSLY happy and thankful for all of the crazy good stuff that is coming up...like Christmas and Love Affair....I just cant get over it! This year has been awesome and I can look back and see Gods hand in ways I had no idea he would work...its pretty amazing. So happy thanksgiving and try not to eat too much turkey... :) We love you guys!
*This is our 2007 Christmas Card so be on the lookout for it!
The James family
This family has been with us forever! We started shooting pictures of their daughter Madeline (Maddy) when she was just 6 months old and shes almost 2 now! I cant get over how big she is! We went out to a local park for a shoot with the whole family and we had the best time, here are a few of our favorite!

Friday, November 16, 2007
And the winner is....
Thats right! We won ladies and gentlemen! YIPPIE! Please see the link to Millie Holloman's blog where she announces us as the winners. How much fun! Thank you to EVERYONE who voted and I cant wait for us to jam out on the new Nano! YIPPIE!!!!!!
Thats right! We won ladies and gentlemen! YIPPIE! Please see the link to Millie Holloman's blog where she announces us as the winners. How much fun! Thank you to EVERYONE who voted and I cant wait for us to jam out on the new Nano! YIPPIE!!!!!!
Sunday, November 11, 2007
3 1/2 days to go...
Okay people! Im stressing out over here! Im down by 52 votes at this point and I have some strategery that is going to have to be put into place...so if you are willing to jump on board and help me...PLEASE email me at melissapepin@gmail.com Its going to take some work to win this competition...but I thin I know JUST the thing to do it! Remember to keep voting
for #1 at
for #1 at
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Voting Day 2
Okay people...you guys ROCK! Because I have been in first place allllll day, until about an hour ago when (as of the last time I checked) I was down by 2 votes. So PLEASE keep voting as much as you can at www.milliehollomanblog.com for image #1. I'll keep the updates coming!
4 years later...
This week we also did College Senior Portraits for my friend Merideth. Its so funny to think that she and I met in fall of 2004 when I was in my Junior year of college at UGA and she was a freshman. We had 2 HORRIBLE back to back classes together and we just cut up and laughed the WHOLE time...needless to say, it took us both a while to recovery academically from that semester...note to self DONT take classes with fun people..they are nothing but a distraction! :) Anywho, I feel like I have seen Mer grow up and its been so much fun. She graduates in May and her family wanted a new picture to celebrate her upcoming achievement so we went straight to the source of all the fun, UGA campus. Here are some of our fav's...

Senior Night LHS Style..
My Cousin Christopher is a senior at Loganville High this year and this past week I went to his Senior Night and (gulp) lat home football game (he's # 68). Im so unbelievably proud of this boy and I cant not wait to see the awesome things that God has ahead for him. Although he'll always be perpetually 12 years old in my mind, he's growing up and getting ready for hte next phase in his life..its sooooooo cool (and SCAREY!) to watch...here are a few pictures from that night ...

Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Voting ...DAY 1
Okay..the anxiety of this contest lasting for 6 MORE DAYS is going to kill me and probably force my husband to just go purchase me an ipod so I dont get an ulcer (also...its really only 1/2 about the ipod now...im just competitive and hate to feel like I didnt do my best at something...) But here are the results for the constest so far my friends:
Photo # 1 (mine!) is in 2nd place
Photo # 2 (the baby one) is in 3rd place
Photo #3 (the gumball one) is in 1st
So keep rocking your vote (as my friend P Diddy would say...) and vote vote vote!!!!!! I believe that you can vote only onc per IP address so skip around and vote as much as yo ucan! Heres the address to vote for IMAGE # 1
Photo # 1 (mine!) is in 2nd place
Photo # 2 (the baby one) is in 3rd place
Photo #3 (the gumball one) is in 1st
So keep rocking your vote (as my friend P Diddy would say...) and vote vote vote!!!!!! I believe that you can vote only onc per IP address so skip around and vote as much as yo ucan! Heres the address to vote for IMAGE # 1
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
YIPPIE! Im sooo ridiculously excited about this that I HAVE to share it! Remember the picture I put up for the IPOD contest???? WELL, it got chosen to be in the final 3! NOW..I need your votes! PLEASE go to www.milliehollomanblog.com to vote for image # 1. The voting last till next Tuesday so vote everyday...as often as it will let you and from as many computers as you can find! Im so excited and honored to even have been chosen out of the God knows how many entries..this is really cool so PLEASE vote!

Friday, November 2, 2007
Vikki and Michael
This week we also did an engagement session for our friends Vikki and Michael. I have to tell you...I just LOVE these two and I'm so unbelievably happy about there wedding in May. Its going to be a lot of fun! I first met Vikki and Michael when Anthony and I were JUST starting to date..literally like 3 months into our relationship. Now were already into 2 and 1/2 years of marriage so we have been waiting on Vikki and Michael to tie the knot for YEARS! Anywho, they looked beautiful on the day we did their shoot on campus of UGA and it was right before the Ga/Fl. game so campus was dead...it was amazing! Here are a few from that day...

The Todd Family
I just LOVE these guys! You all have seen them on here before from this summer when I did pictures of just the kiddos, but this week we did a shoot of the whole family to get ready for their Christmas cards. These kids are so ridiculously fun to hang around. Andrew (the oldest) is always laughing and running around, Mogg is as sweet as she can be and loves the camera (I smell a photographer in the making ...hmmmm....) and Jack...(the youngest) is a riot! He makes me laugh so much but every time I get ready to leave, he makes sure I get kisses from him first so...I just love shooting for this family. Here are some of our fav's....

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