My two pups are an essential part of everyday life here at Melissa Pepin Photography. They are real friends...true crime solvers...and the best dang alarm system I could ever ask for. Just last week they helped me discover that our (now)former trash company was dumping all of our recycling into the regular trash trucks...we put a stop to that, thanks to my little inspector gadgets. :) Sophie (the black one) shes the "puppy", just over a year old and is ALWAYS in trouble...I am pretty sure that she thinks her middle name is "NO!" Charlie on the other hand (the blonde), hes sweet as pie and pretty much knows he uses it to his advantage on a regular basis to remind me that HE is the sweet and well behaved one...hahahah (hes a sneaky rascal though...) Just thought I would throw these up here...ALSO, these are the first with my new fat daddy camera...I love me some Canon 5D, and with the battery saver on her this thing is a BEAST! Anywho, here they are...if you call to make an appointment with us...99% sure you will here Sophie talking in the background...she wayyyy too vocal for her own good. :)

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